About Us

The Twilight Run Universe has been online since 2005, hosted under the domains Twilightrun.com and Starshipguide.com. Born from the visionary mind of Keith Auguillard, this expansive, futuristic universe invites exploration through a rich array of custom and AI generated images that bring to life the starships and planets within this creation.

Twilight Run is committed to offering a comprehensive platform filled with engaging content and stunning graphics. Our mission is to create a high-quality environment that sparks the imagination of our visitors. We are dedicated to providing regular updates to make Twilight Run even more immersive and captivating.

Our dedication to quality is evident in the countless hours invested in creating the site’s content. We are excited to continue expanding what is already on of the largest collection of original starship designs ever created for any genre, with the ambition of becoming the most extensive science-fiction universe not yet published in print, television, or film.